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Meet The Team

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Dr. Jeannie Tiong - Walker
Executive Veterinary Director


你好, Jeannie is our principal veterinarian and Executive Director.  Originally from Malaysia and completed her veterinary degree at Massey University (2002). She has been a regulator in MPI for over a decade. Clinical Practice is her main passion helping animals and this was the main reason she became a vet. 


Jeannie is an accredited assessor for Respiratory Function Grading (RFG) Scheme for BOAS (Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome).


Jeannie is currently pursuing Master of Veterinary Medicine (MVM) through Massey University and have completed the canine and feline emergency medicine.


Jeannie is also a professional groomer, passionate about cat & dog grooming and styling!



Dr. Rodney Walker
Veterinary Director

Our senior Vet, Rodney has been practicing veterinary medicine for more decades he cares to recall.  He has filled a variety of roles through his career, including mixed practice, regulatory inspection work and includes a stint working in small animal practice in the UK for 10 years.


Rodney has an interest in diagnostic imaging and surgery and enjoys the contact with our wide and varied client base.

Dr. Tom Beck
Asso.ciate Veterinarian

Tom is our associate veterinarian. He has gained his veterinary training from the University of Surrey in UK. 

Tom is highly motivated and passionate about providing the highest standard of care possible.


Tom has a very broad range of experience in delivering empathy patience with a wide range of clients.


Tom enjoys camping and hiking. And water sports too e.g. surfing and swimming 


Support Staff


Senior Customer Service


Vet Nurse


Junior Assistant

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Hospital Comfort Dog

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